
To the team at Jackson Hole Originals, sustainability is all about social and environmental responsibility, which determines not only the materials we use, but how our products are manufactured, transported, marketed, and sold. This dedication to sustainable solutions is a continuous process, as means of production, materiel and transportation constantly improve and develop.

Slow fashion

At the core of our business idea is “slow fashion” with its emphasis on quality over quantity, encouraging our customers to choose well and buy less. Instead of following the latest trends and produce a new collection in its entirety for every season, we aim to design timeless styles that will last for many years to come.

Material, fabrics and current production

Responsible down standard

Down is an outstanding insulation material with unique properties. JHO only use down that is certified according to the Responsible Down StandardThe RDS is an independent, voluntary global down standard that puts high emphasis on animal welfare. It is owned by Textile Exchange and certified by Control Union as a third party. Over three years, the RDS was developed and revised with the support of animal rights groups, industry experts, brands, and retailers.

Global organic textile standard

JHO’s cotton suppliers follow  The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), who has a clearly defined set of criteria and is transparent. GOTS is the worldwide leading textile processing standard for organic fibres, including ecological and social criteria, backed up by independent certification of the entire textile supply chain. GOTS certified final products may include fibre products, yarns, fabrics, clothes, home textiles, mattresses, personal hygiene products, as well as food contact textiles and more.  Having one common standard means textile processors and manufacturers can export their fabrics and garments with one organic certification that is accepted in all major markets. This transparency also gives consumers the power to choose truly organic products sourced from green supply chains.


Fairtrade is an international certification of raw material grown in countries with widespread poverty. The certification means that the product is produced wit regard to high social, economic and environmental requirements. Fair trade cotton ( is cotton that has been certified through a fair trade organization that attempts to ensure that cotton producers receive a fair price for their crop. Cotton is one of several products that are subject to fair trade arrangements designed to connect farmers with customers who make purchase decisions with social considerations in mind. For the JHO jersey collection, all cotton is Fairtrade certified.  

Short-term action plan:

Long-term action plan:

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